Alright, it has been a while since I have updated my blog. Life has just taken over everything!!!!! But I have many different things I would love to share with you! As you probably know I have been taking a cakes and pies class here at LCB. Well, this Thursday I will be done with my 4th mod and will be entering my 5th mod. Time is just flying by. On top of baking in school and out of school, I have been searching for an externship for the months of August through November!
Before I start on with my pictures of everything let me just tell you that I am absolutely tired of Chocolate. I have been working with Chocolate for the last 2 weeks, the smell...the taste... is just over whelming. I was never a huge chocolate fan, I have always liked it...but I would rather eat Alfredo Sauce...or white pizza with green peppers and tomatoes. So these last two weeks have been a Chocolate overload!!!!
About three weeks ago I received a call from a friend of my moms asking me to do two birthday cakes for Mo and Peggy, they are husband and wife but their birthdays are about a week apart! Mo was turning 48 and Peggy was turning 60! So I did individual cakes for both of them!
alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5571127288658377938" />Here is Mo's cake! I did a Harley Davidson theme! For the symbol I used Fondant, but dyed the Fondant with Wilton coloring. The gel kind!

Here is Peggy's cake! It was a Red Velvet cake! I Torted it with a Pastry Cream in between the layers! The longest part was making the roses!I loved every minute of it!

Here is a Chocolate tort! Those little spiral circles are rosettes! The was probably one of my favorite cakes we made so far! I just had a lot of fun with it!

This is a Black Forest Cake! The cake took 3 days to make, because of all the different chocolate items, such as the house, fence, and trees. When making chocolate sculptures you have to melt the chocolate and bring it to 118 degrees. once it hits that take it off the stove. Pour 2/3 of the chocolate onto a non melting surface area. and bring that chocolate down to 80 degrees, by moving it around. Once it hits that 80 degrees, put in the bowl with the rest of the chocolate, all the chocolate together should reach about 90 degrees! That's how you get chocolate to be shiny and smooth for sculpting. It's a lot of work!

Pineapple Upside Down Cake! I have to admit I was never a fan of this cake at all. So I have this cake to a culinary student. But I thought it still looked really pretty!!!

I love carrot cake! especially with Cream Cheese Icing...homemade kind!! The little carrots are made out of Marzipan! I enjoyed making those little guys! Here is the thing, it definitely didn't look this nice when I brought it home...I dropped it! So it look like a horrible mess, but I heard it's really good!!!

Angel Food Cake! Best way to get it is with strawberries and whipped cream!!! yumm!

Alhombra Cake! With Marzipan Rose!!!!!

Opera Tort! This had Mocha Buttercream and it was to die for!! soooo good!!

Chocolate Mousse Tort! The chocolate on top took me 3 hours to do!!!! It was a lot of fun! This went up to my moms work, I heard it was good!!!!
I hope you enjoyed the cakes that I've made so far!!!!
Keep posted!!!