This past weekend was Kathleen's and Anthonys wedding. The was the couple that I did the bridal shower cake for a few weeks ago. I thought since it was a wedding weekend for John and I , so I held back on blogging about my first wedding cake I did a few weeks ago.
At the end of my Sculpture and Design class we make our first wedding cakes. I was so excited, but a little apprehensive about it starting it. But that was not stoping me at all.
Thankfully the weekend before I started this cake I got some practice on Kathleen's bridal shower cake. I don't know if you remember in that blog post that I said I was nervous about putting the fondant on the cake. When it came to putting the fondant on my wedding cake for class I was a little more confident.
This wedding cake was a two tiered wedding cake. The top tiere was super easy to put fondant on, but the bottom tiere(the biggest one) fought me hook, line and sinker. I actually had to re-due the fondant over twice. The first time the fondant was too thin, and the second time it was at a perfect thickness but it started to tear.
TIP: WHEN WORKING WITH FONDANT MOVE FAST OR IT WILL TEAR!!!!I fixed up the one torn spot, it looked ok but it definitely wasn't how I wanted to start off my first wedding cake. But nonetheless I was quite pleased
UNTIL...I was putting the cake on the cooling rack and the side of my cake was rammed into the top part of the metal on the little there was a nice size noticeable gash...there was definitely no hiding it!
So I walked away and figured I would worry about it tomorrow.
With this wedding cake practical I was completely in the zone...I swear I didn't hear any of the other noise going on around was quite wonderful!

This is what Cornelli looks like, just in case if you don't know what it is. When you decide to decorate cake with cornelli lace you want to make little lines, but not tooooo little! The edges should never be sharp...ALWAYS ROUNDED! You always start from either the side of your pattern of the bottom...never start or finish at the middle of the Cornelli lace.
Doing the Cornelli Lace was my favorite part about the wedding cake! Very detailed and it takes a lot of patience! Cornelli Lace is a royal icing that is piped!

On our wedding cakes we had to do a border...I really love the pearl borders. So I decided to do a Pearl border on mine. I just used a small round tip with Royal Icing...always make sure the Royal Icing is a thicker consistence...if its not then the pearls with run together if that happens just add more powdered sugar! If it becomes tooo thick add small amounts of water! You want to have a happy medium!

Here is my topper for the cake! I was never very fond of people toppers for wedding cakes! The swan is blown sugar...I really don't care for this method...the swan gave me nothing but took me two tries to get it right...I kept blowing it up! The little spirals are pulled sugar just wrapped around a wooden spoon for about a minute! The hearts are pastiage, that is like a dough that turns turns comparison would be a Necco Wafer!

Here is my wedding cake all done!!!! I received a 93% on it! Oh and just in case if you were wondering...that gash I put on the side of my cake from the cooling rack I filled it with Royal Icing and smoothed it out! It didn't turn out bad I really can't complain!
I hope you enjoyed my first wedding!!
Stay posted for upcoming blogs!!!
PS: I hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July!