CAKE BOSS WAS AWESOME!!! He really put on a great show, he talked about his life before he became Cake Boss, he told us how he became the Cake Boss, and what the future holds for him and his family.
He told us how he is involved with Make a Wish foundation. I sat there in the audience with tears streaming down my face about how he told a story about a gravely ill child. Her wish was to go and hang out with Buddy (aka Cake Boss), they made cakes, and spent the entire day together. He asked her parents if there is anymore that he can do, and the parents replied "you made her smile, we have not saw her smile in months." After that he said he went home to spend time with his family and kids. It was horribly sad, but he made one little girls wish come true!!!!
Furthermore, Buddy had competitions between children that were in the audience, women, and men. My favorite competition was the competition between the men. I never laughed so hard. They had to make chocolate roses(molding chocolate) for their wives. It looked like those edible chocolate roses you see all the time for Valentines Day. But these guys were considered "sexy men." When they got up on stage, Buddy made them dance, two out of the three guys had to left feet and eight arms. THEN, this one pudgy guy, starts break dancing and spinning around on the floor. I lost it, it was something you would see in a movie at a wedding. The entire crowd laughed!! My mom was laughing so hard her stomach hurt.
After they made the chocolate roses, everyone thought they were just going to run off stage and give them to their wives. But we were wrong. Buddy invited their wives up on stage, they had to be on the opposite sides of the stage from each other. Buddy made them do a dance over to their wives to give them the roses. It his hysterically funny!!!!
One of the guys danced over to this wife, in a really sweet way. The music that was played in the background, he danced over to her with the rose stem in his mouth, it reminded me of something you would see in Dancing with the Stars as the couple was about to dance the tango. Then he gives his wife the rose and then dips her and gives her a kiss. It was really sweet.
Remember the guy I told you about that was spinning on the floor when he first got up on stage?? Well, this guy when he went to go give his wife the chocolate rose. He threw off his wife t-shirt showing the audience his bare chest and stomach. His wife starts 'shimmying,' closer to his. He grabs her to were it looks like he is going to hug her, but instead it looks like he gave her a body shake. If you ever saw the movie Just Friends, you will know exactly what I am talking about.
Buddy also, decorated a 3 tiered cake for the audience, something that would have taken me at least 2 hours to do, took him 10 to 15 minutes. It was just awesome! And absolutely beautiful!
He told us that he is opening up a Pizza place in Hoboken NJ, calling it Sofia's after his daughter. And he is also opening up a factory where you will be able to take classes which is awesome! So I definitely have to make it up to Hoboken, New Jersey soon!!
If Buddy every does another tour I really recommend you guys getting tickets!! He throws an amazing show that I think everyone should get the chance to go see!!
This is the stage from were I was sitting. Doesn't it look adorable?!?!?! So creative!
This is Buddys new book! It is a really nice book, it also gives us some of his recipes that he uses in his bakery. I really can't wait to try the Cannoli, and Biscotti recipes! yummmmm!!!!!

Here is my Sweet Potatoes I made for Thanksgiving! There was struesel and marsh mellows all throughout the sweet potatoes! it was soooo amazing! I loved it!

Here are my Cinnamon Rolls that I made on my last day at LCB before I started my Thanksgiving break! They were amazing! May not be very pretty, but how they tasted definitely did not matter!
I am so excited that is it finally Christmas time, that means I get to start some cookie making with my mom!!!!! You will get to see all of the cookies and rolls that we make over the next couple of weeks!
Furthmore, I only have about 2 weeks until I go on Christmas break! Seems so soon!!!
I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving!!!!!!
There is going to be a post this Tuesday of Wednesday night!!!
Is there anyone out there that reads my blog????
Keep Posted!!!!!! There is a lot coming up in the next few weeks!!!!
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