I have never made a Croissant, my family and I have always bought them from our local grocery store, or Sam's Club(their a fairly good). If you don't know what Sam's Club is, it's looks like a big ware house(but nicer) and they sell everything in bulk. The prices might be higher, but you quantity makes no nevermind to the price. Stores like Sam's Club always remind me of people that have a lot of children, or you own a restaurant or bakery. We always buy Ketchup there, since my brother and Mike(my mom's husband), put ketchup on everything known to man kind when they eat. Sam's is great for buy flour...bulk!!! It's just a great store! I love going there!
Anyways, thursday and Friday of last wek we prepared our dough for the Traditional Croissants and the Pain Au Chocolate(which is Criossants stuffed with Chocolate....need I say more).
Did you know that Croissants did not originate in France? They originated in Austria as far back in to the early 13th century! Which I found to be quite interesting.
This week we have our practical on the Criossants, which they are not hard to make but this is our last practical for this mod and I'm always nervous for the last practical, because this can make or break your grade! Especially how my last practical went (my dough turned out to be horrible, and was absolutely difficult to work with)...I'm nervous for this one!!!!!!
Also, today we plated a dessert fruit dessert which I will be showing here after my Criossant pictures!!!

They look like seashells, you know the ones you wish you would find in the ocean!!

Here are some of my Croissants and Pan Au Chocolate!!

Here I am holding the Pan Au Chocolate, this is what the inside looks like! It was probably one of my favorite things I have made so far!! The Butter, Chocolate, and how soft the Croissants those three combinations can cure anything!!

Here is my plated dessert! I wish it was not so blury(it is the camera on my phone)But it was really pretty in person! I loved the fruits...so good!!
My Life outside of Baking and Blogging(if you're interested)
*As for tonight I am watching Cake Boss on TLC tonight at 9pm a new show!
*I have a Gingerbread competition that I am working at and also competing in.
*There are 9 days until this mod is over with(not including the weekend), I can't believe it flew by!And I will be entering my 4th mod in January! I will be looking into my externship for next August in a couple of months. I will be leaving Pittsburgh for 3 months...I'm completly nervous about. I have never left home for more than two weeks. I have never even been on my own. But I am completely excited to leave...in a good way!
*I have a Christmas dinner party to go to this Saturday
*I also have Le Cordon Bleu's annual Christmas Party from 7-10pm
*I need my hair cut so bad(that's happening next week)
*The end of next week John comes home!!
Have a great and safe week! Enjoy the snow!!!!
Looks like you did great! I think we should have a chat about fondant. I never really use it but have twice before. I have lots of questions...=) jterrazas27@yahoo.com.
ReplyDeleteHey Jessica,
ReplyDeleteI sent you an email under my gmail account! Hope to hear from you soon!