This is my favorite time of the year! I got some Christmas shopping done yesterday which is sort of a relief!!! But I need to do a lot more shopping, but I need to do a ton more baking.
Yesterday, before I went out I made Sugar cookies, and as I had said in a previous blog that sugar cookies have never turned out for me at all. I have the notion that the reason for that being is i always made my cutouts to thing, which could cause them to be brittle and break when trying to lift them off of the cookie sheet. So, they have always been a problem for me.
A few weeks ago I bought this Chefs hat cookie cutter at my house, and it came with a Sugar Cookie Recipe, so I figured what the hell I will give them another whirl.
The Oldtime Sugar Cookie Recipe
1cup Sugar
2cups of Flour
1 Whole Egg
1 Stick of butter-I always used Salted butter when baking unless it calls for something different
1/2 cup of Crisco- I always use the baking Crisco, it has pictures of cookies and such on the front of the Crisco label
1/2 tsp. of Cream of Tartar
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 tps. Vanilla
Mix all ingredients together. Preheat oven to 325. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes
Roll out dough to desired thickness.
The thicker the dough, the better the Sugar cookies come out. They will not stick to the baking pan when you try to take them off. Plus the transfer of the cut out cookies from the table to the baking sheet will not be such a challenge, since the cookies are more heavier and not as thin.
I took pictures of my sugar cookies yesterday, but they are all on my brothers computer so I have to wait until he gets home from work to upload them onto my laptop.
So hopefully I will have the pictures up soooon!!!!!!
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