Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bread and Butter Please!!!

At Le Cordon Bleu, I am currently taking Introduction to Breads, by 9:30 a.m I am kneading, preparing, scoring, weighing, flouring,sculpting, proofing, and then finally baking the bread. For three hours I am constantly on the move, but it is absolutely worth it. Because not only is fresh bread the best, but I get to bring home fresh bread everynight and share with everyone! But not only is eating the bread one of my favorite parts but I love preparing the bread. I love kneading, and especially learning the different kinds of knots, twists that make the breads really pretty.

So I decided to share with you some of the bread of I have made so far.

Can you say butter?? We use a lot of butter in everything, it makes everything so much better! Got to love the French!!

This is a wheat bread, but there is an Almond Paste in the center. I twisted the bread so when it bakes it's twisty, and there's Almond Paste at the top, and in the center of the bread.

My finished Wheat Bread with the Almond Paste! It was sooo good!!

Here is my Wheat Rolls, they were absolutely huge, but they made great sandwhich bread!

This is Milk Bread, this was also very good. It had a sweeter taste to it. If you have ever had Hawaiian Sweet bread, this is what it sort of tasted like. But not as sweet. We made several different type of knots for this bread. There was single and double knots, braids, and the figure eight. The hardest one for me was the braided knot, but I think I am slowly getting it. It's going to take some more practice!!

Here is the French Baguette! This so far is my favorite bread. We just made this today, as of October 6,2010. I can't wait to have a piece with butter later tonight! By the way...there isn't any butter in this recipe!!

I hope you enjoyed my bread so far! I have several more weeks to go in my Introduction to Breads class! I will post more pictures of my bread in a few weeks!!

As for this weekends project....I am leaving my options open as to what I am going to make! Stay posted!



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