Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Apple Cider Floats!!

If you are anything like me fall is your favorite time of year. The leaves are changing...Halloween...kids and their costumes...Pumpkin Pie...and Apple Cider!! I won't be home for October this year which saddens me because I love handing out candy to the kids on Halloween, and where I live their are tons of trees so I get to see the leaves change different colors!

So on one of my many outings to the Local Grocery Stores at Pinehurst...I bought a Rachael Ray Magazine! If you want to know another thing about is, that is I absolutely love Rachael Ray...I want to go to one of her shows sometime in New York! Perfect date if I may say so myself! I came across this awesome recipe for Apple Cider Floats! And since I love RootBeer Floats I had to give the Apple Cider Floats a whirl!!!

To get started All You Need is:

Yup that's right!!!Apple Cider...Canned Whipped Cream...Ground Cinnamon...Vanilla Ice Cream...and of course a glass cup....and if you're making this for kids plastic cups are the best choice!!!

First add your Vanilla Ice Cream!! Add as much as you want! I added two scoops!!!

Add your Apple Cider!!! The Vanilla Ice Cream will float up to the top!!!

See how the Vanilla Ice Cream floats up to the top and the Cider sinks down the the bottom of the glass up!

Then add....

Add your Whipped Cream...and then sprinkle some Cinnamon to spice things up a bit!!!

The finished Product!!!


This recipe takes no longer than a few minutes to make! It is perfect for anynight..and your kids...family..and friends will absolutely love this!!!!

Stay posted for future blogs coming up!!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

6 weeks already?!?!

Good Afternoon Everyone,
It has been a terribly long time since I have posted anything. I really wish I had something fun, cute, and exciting to post, but unfortunately I do not. I promise that I did not forget about you at all. My internship definitely took over my life. I am doing about 40 hours a week with only a day off. In the beginning I was getting two days off in a row..but we have been ultra busy so I have been doing about 6 days straight.

On a more personal level, I am finding myself missing home. I'm missing being around my friends and family. I really love living on my own, but not out of state. I think I would be happier if I was happier with my internship. I'm just having problems more and more. I feel inadequate there. I really never had any sort of bakery experience or restaurant experience. I was once a hostess in a restaurant, and I did work at a Subway for several years. But that is nothing compared to what I am doing. I havn't done much in the last several weeks that I feel absolutely good about, I miss making and decorating cakes, making pies...everything that I love to do. And I know that I am good at. I am very overwhelmed at work, all I need to do is get through the next 5 to 6 weeks. Then I get to go home!

October is coming up in about a week. This is definitely one of my favorite months. the leaves are starting to change..I get to start eating Pumpkin Pie...I love watching the little kids dress up for Halloween...I just love everything about this month. I have been wanting to do Cake Pops for a long time now! When I do...they will definitely be Halloween related! And I will be sure to post them on here!!!

Please wish me luck with the rest of my intership! I'm going to need it!

But it won't be another 6 weeks before you hear from me again I promise!